this is kinda cool. imma try some drums now.
that was them in in 3 and 4 on a motu m4.
imma try in 1 and 2 cause they have gain knobs now.
but i think i fucked em up a little bit cause i plugged the speaker out of my guitar amp directly into them. so there may be a little extra hissing.
alrighty lets give it a try.
hopefully that sounded good. lets start racing again.
ok lets see if i can play drums to the mario music
sorry was setting levels.
fuck yall couldnt hear the game the whole time. lol
oh you did nvm. im dumb.
i wonder what that sounds like.
something aint runnin great.
oh yah the video sound thing.
not too bad. we gettin somewhere.
thats all for me folks. have a good night and a better week.
thanks for the setup Gnarles.